Extra Options

In this section, you will learn about the structure of Extra Options.

Extra options define additional options for your parsing process. Here's an explanation of each option:

  1. "addSrcSetAndSizes": This option, when set to true, indicates that you want to include the "srcset" and "sizes" attributes when parsing images. The "srcset" attribute allows you to specify multiple image sources for different screen resolutions, while the "sizes" attribute specifies the sizes of the images for different viewport widths.

  2. "groupImagesRow": When set to true, this option suggests grouping multiple images in a row. It implies that the images should be displayed side by side rather than stacked vertically.

  3. "addFeaturedMedia": If set to true, this option indicates that you want to include the featured media (such as an image or video) in your parsed post. This could be useful if you're importing content from an external source that includes a featured image or media.

  4. "addSource": When set to true, this option suggests including a source link or attribution for the parsed content. It allows you to specify the source of the content and provide a link to the original source. This can be helpful for giving credit or providing additional context.

  5. "sourceLinkCaption": This option specifies the caption or text that will be displayed for the source link. In your example, it is set to "Link To Source". You can customize this text to match your requirements.

  6. "sourceLinkIsNoFollow": When set to true, this option indicates that the source link should have the "nofollow" attribute applied. The "nofollow" attribute tells search engines not to follow the link, which can be useful if you don't want to pass authority or endorsement to the linked source.


 "extraOptions": {
    "addSrcSetAndSizes": true,
    "groupImagesRow": true,
    "addFeaturedMedia": true,
    "addSource": true,
    "sourceLinkCaption": "Link To Source",
    "sourceLinkIsNoFollow": true

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