
In this section, you will learn about the parsing process using the Autopilot feature.

To parse articles using the Autopilot feature in the News Parser plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Autopilot Settings: Go to the admin panel of your website and navigate to the News Parser plugin. Select the "Autopilot" tab in the menu.

  2. Select the RSS Source: In the Schedule Options section, choose the URL that corresponds to the RSS source from which you want to parse articles. Click on the "Select" button.

  3. Load the Data: Once you've selected the source, the data will be loaded, and you will see the available options.

  4. Configure Autopilot Settings:

    • Status: Choose whether you want to activate the autopilot for this source.

    • Maximum Number of Posts: Set the maximum number of posts you want to parse from this source.

    • Maximum Number of Autopilot Runs: Specify the maximum number of times the autopilot should run for this source.

    • Parsing Frequency: Define the frequency at which parsing should occur from this source.

  5. Delete Parsing Templates (Optional): In this menu, you also have the option to delete any previously saved parsing templates if needed.

  6. Watch the Tutorial: To further understand how to use the Autopilot feature, you can watch a short video tutorial that demonstrates its usage with the News Parser plugin.

The autopilot function relies on the wp-cron system, which triggers the task scheduler when the website is visited. If you encounter any issues with the autopilot function, you can add the following line to your wp-config.php file: define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true). This can help resolve any scheduling problems.

By following these steps, you can configure the Autopilot settings in the News Parser plugin to automatically parse articles from an RSS feed.

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