AI Options
In this section, you will learn about the structure of AI Options.
"aiProviders": This section specifies the AI providers for different tasks. In your example, "textGenerator" is set to "OpenAI", indicating that OpenAI is the provider for generating text. "imageGenerator" is set to "false", indicating that image generation AI is not enabled.
"featuredImage": This section controls the generation of a featured image for the post. "generateWithAI" is set to "false", indicating that AI-based generation of the featured image is disabled. "prompt" can be used to provide any specific instructions or requirements for the featured image generation.
"postBody": This section defines options for generating the post body or content using AI. "generateWithAI" is set to "true", indicating that AI will be used to generate the post body. "model" specifies the specific AI model to be used, in this case, "gpt-3.5-turbo". "prompt" contains the instruction or prompt to guide the AI in generating the post body. "${post}" is a placeholder that can be replaced with the existing content of the post or any other relevant information. "pipeline" can be used to specify any additional AI models or processes to be applied to the generated post body.
"postTitle": This section controls the generation of the post title using AI. "generateWithAI" is set to "true", indicating that AI will be used to generate the post title. "model" specifies the AI model to be used, in this case, "gpt-3.5-turbo". "prompt" contains the instruction or prompt to guide the AI in generating the post title. "${title}" is a placeholder that can be replaced with the existing title or any other relevant information.
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